All Humans With Blue Eyes Share A Common Ancestor

What color are your eyes? We know that the color of your eyes depends on what genes you inherited from each of your parents. We know that blue eyes are a recessive genetic combination, and much less common in humans than brown eyes, the dominant phenotype. However, you might be unaware that a study has revealed that everyone who has blue eyes shares a common ancestor. Blue eyes are a recessive trait. You may have studied Punnett Squares in your high school biology class. Punnett squares are a simple diagram that can be used to predict the probability that an … Continue reading

Where Did Your Blue Eyes Come From?

You cannot delve too deeply into genealogy without considering the genetics of the members of your family. It can be fun to try and figure out where a relative got their blue eyes from. After that, you can predict what relatives may have children who will have blue eyes. It’s all about dominant and recessive genes. Eye color is one of the things that is determined by the presence or absence of dominant or recessive genes. First, you need to figure out the phenotype and genotype of each of the parents. The phenotype of a person is something you can … Continue reading

Do Your Pets Have Theme Songs?

Mine do. Each of them has a song that reminds me of them when I hear it. In some cases, like Murph’s, they even have more than one! Budly’s Song: “I Try” Budly was the first pet who got a theme song. Unfortunately it was not while he was alive. Macy Gray released “I Try” shortly before he passed away. I didn’t pay attention to it until the day he died. Then I couldn’t get it out of my head, because of the following lyrics: “I try to say goodbye and I choke Try to walk away and I stumble … Continue reading

A Christian Mother’s Experience With the Baby Blues

After my first baby was born, I was a mess. I don’t think that what I experienced was true postpartum depression, but it definitely qualified as the “baby blues.” I remember pulling into the driveway when my husband and I came home from the hospital with our son. I felt a tightness in my chest and my eyes were stinging with tears. How in the world was I going to do this? What did I really know about babies? When would I get sleep? Just reminiscing about it now I can feel all of those emotions flooding back to me. … Continue reading

The Joy of Redoing a Room

There is one room in this house I haven’t been able to get my hands on for a few years now. It is my daughter’s bedroom. But a couple of weeks ago she went away for camp and decided she was ready to get rid of her dark purple walls, black trim and black bed. I cannot tell you how excited I was to hear this…especially when she picked out very light purple and blue paints. We hadn’t seen her floor in months…I’m not kidding. Now you have to understand, I used to be the type of person who practically … Continue reading

Genealogy and Physical Resemblance

The other day, I decided to look at a free genealogy web site that I had not yet visited. is a web site where you can create a family tree and do other family history research. The thing that grabbed my attention right away was not a family tree or ancestor locating resource, though. has a fun genealogy toy, um, I mean tool – the look-alike meter. As I read about the look-alike meter, I was excited but skeptical. Supposedly, you can go to the web site, become a member (for free), and then upload family photos into … Continue reading

Reflections on Transitioning from Pregnancy to Motherhood

I look back at blog entries I wrote when I was pregnant, as well as e-mails I sent my friends, and it’s clear that there were moments when I was so eager for pregnancy to end. I really enjoyed pregnancy for the most part, but near the end I became so sore and uncomfortable, and I could hardly contain my excitement to cradle my baby in my arms for the first time. As much as I was ready to become a mother, however, there are some things about pregnancy that I truly miss. I used to lay on my side … Continue reading

Unexpected Health Advice From My New Laptop

My computer went to that great big electronics store in the sky last week, so I ended up buying a new laptop. It’s sleek and shiny and actually the first new computer I’ve owned in a long time. (My last two were hand-me-downs, and served long and well.) Like most electronics, the new laptop came with a manual. Several manuals, in fact. The regular operations one, the quick start guide, a shopping-for-accessories booklet, and something called the “Instruction Manual for Safety and Comfort”. With a title like that, I couldn’t resist taking a peek. Much of it is devoted to … Continue reading

Kid-Friendly Halloween Decorations Using Acorn Squash

My daughter’s cooking class teacher provided the directions to this next kid-friendly Halloween craft. In fact, she tailored an entire lesson around it. She had the kids decorate acorn squash to look like black cats and then they used the leftovers to make a yummy (and healthy) acorn squash veggie dip. The cooking class is geared towards kids ages 3-5 so keep that in mind when you are getting your children involved. The students did such an incredible job on their acorn squash cats it’s hard to believe that the project only requires a few short steps. All you need … Continue reading

Why You Should Take a Dog with You When You Die

Recently Wayne was goofing around with our DVR again and decided to put it to use recording old Twilight Zone shows. Before he leaves for work most mornings, we sit in front of the TV and eat breakfast together. Sometimes we watch the news, but since that’s been too depressing lately we’ve been relying on whatever DVR recordings are in the queue for our morning entertainment. That’s how we came to find ourselves watching one of the Twilight Zone reruns Monday morning. No Dogs Allowed in Heaven It was called “The Hunt.” It’s about an old man and his dog … Continue reading